This Blog is about one of my favorite things; Gospel Centered Music.

Music is ONE of the simplest forms of learning. Often we are taught entire sermons through just one song.

“Music,is one of the most forceful instruments for governing the mind and spirit of man.” -Gladstone

I am comforted, strengthened and inspired through music.

I love music, and want to share my testimony through the music that inspires me.

Please comment as you wish, and let me know how music inspires you. Make suggestions on what song you'd like to hear, or talk about.

I am going to make it a goal to select a new song each Monday and post it here. I hope as we journey through this we can grow together and live a more Christ centered life.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 50: Stay with me

My life has hit a very trying time. I developed a severe case of pre-eclampsia and had to bring my little girl to the world 13 weeks before she was due at 27 weeks, weighing 1 lb and 15.4 oz, and 13 inches.  She has been a miracle, the power of this little girl's spirit has been felt. The concern and love from so many who already love her has been seen. This little spirit's life has already stretched beyond any that I could have touched. We love you.

I have been so blessed to have the the peace of the gospel. Those nights where I can't bear it longer I have prayed hard and cried hard. I have not forgotten my LORD, He has not forgotten me.
I have felt lifted and carried, He has stayed with me.

The words to this song have been so healing.
I hope it strengthens you today. As much as it has strengthened me.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amy- that was beautiful and left me in tears. Thinking and praying for you, your little one, the doctors and nurses and your whole family! I miss singing with you! I just have to thank you again for helping me be myself and be happy on my mission. Being your companion was a turning point in my mission and in my life. Your influence with me has gone a long way! Hang in there, you amazing woman. Love you Gentry con crema!

    Your junior comp,
    ~Hna Elton
