This Blog is about one of my favorite things; Gospel Centered Music.

Music is ONE of the simplest forms of learning. Often we are taught entire sermons through just one song.

“Music,is one of the most forceful instruments for governing the mind and spirit of man.” -Gladstone

I am comforted, strengthened and inspired through music.

I love music, and want to share my testimony through the music that inspires me.

Please comment as you wish, and let me know how music inspires you. Make suggestions on what song you'd like to hear, or talk about.

I am going to make it a goal to select a new song each Monday and post it here. I hope as we journey through this we can grow together and live a more Christ centered life.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 46: Stand in Holy Places

YES, I have been MIA for a while. I hope you haven't all given up on me.
I have been very distracted. My focus is returning.
I was inspired to get back on track and keep blogging this music blog.

Last night we had a wonderful and uplifting meeting for relief society.
(I apologize to those in my ward this is not new to you at all, but you are all a part of my inspiration.)
We were asked to find ONE thing that would help us be holier women of God.
One thing that we wanted to change and use to DEFINE the year.
My year in one word.
I do not have a lot of extra time in my life with 3 kids and a house to manage.
Like many mothers finding time to do the essentials can be hard.
I have felt lately though that I have not been doing  all of the essentials claiming tiredness, no time and little motivation. Strangely enough though, I find a lot of time to waste on TV, the computer browsing the internet and Find myself feeling like I have to drag myself to do the things I need to.

Instead of turning off the devices that distract me from living life- I live my life distracted.
I will now give myself time to read scriptures, pray and listen to the spirit. This blog is to me another way to focus at least once a week on a holy thing. Music is powerful to me.

In looking at the way that I have been using my time I have noticed I have more time then I think to do the ESSENTIALS  of the Gospel.
I also have much more time then I think that I can spend playing and loving my kids so that they know now and forever that they are more important to me then anything on this earth.
In managing my time wisely I predict I will be happier, calmer and even more fun for my kids and my husband to be around.

Yes, Management will be an incredible tool for me to live my best life, and to begin my journey to being the women that God has designed for me to be.
I will stand in holy places more and be a woman of God.

I encourage all that read this to find your WORD FOR THE YEAR.
And become a HOLIER and more WHOLE woman (man) of God.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! Great job. I love the music, the quotes, and your thoughts. I'll be back to be uplifted! My word this year is gratitude, for everything... even those things that hurt. Sometimes there is a hole in our hearts because Christ wants to fill it. *HUGS*

    I have been sacrificing a lot of things I wanted so that I could heal (health wise, emotional/mental issues as well). Lots of layers of pain. It has been a glorious revelation of truth, though, as I let go and accept Him as my master.
